Thursday, July 10, 2008

A "Tree" ?

Take a look at the tree in the picture. Is this really fooling anyone. I find these cell trees just ridiculous.

I kind of think this is cruel and unusually punishment for the birds. What about the Red Headed Woodpecker, does no one care that he might pound his beak into the fake bark and hurt himself. Where are the raging environmentalists crying and protesting hoping to save the Woodpecker from his certain demise.

What about the cell tree huggers where are they protecting the special tree that may get taken down to protect the woodpecker?

I think this is just a complete waste of money. Usually this is the tallest "tree" around. It sticks out like a sore thumb, lets not kid ourselves, we don't need to make it look like a tree. I bet this screws up my cell reception even more. Hey those bloody evironmentalists are screwing up everything, high gas prices since they won't let us drill and my cell phone reception. Since I bet it is them that want it to look like a tree to convince birds to make a nest there, and get cancer since they are too close to the radio waves.

Oh and I would like to know who has a company that makes towers look like trees. How much can one get paid to do this. I bet they get a crazy amount of money to do this nonsense. If I find out my tax dollars go to this, I think I will totally flip my lid and go and cut a tree down.

The Three R's ????

Ok so I just thought that this was very funny, pupils failing to master the 3 R's. Hey maybe that is because they are not R's. Only one of the 3 starts with an R.

Now Maybe in West Virginia, they are still the 3 r's (reading, riting, and rithmetic) or at the Playskool company (who I believe for sometime marketed the Speak and Spell, seems a little ironic to me)

But to the rest of the world they should be READING, WRITING and ARITHMETIC, or RWA for short. Maybe this is the whole reason we are failing. Can't spell, so maybe we can't read, if we can't read how are we supposed to work on a math word problem.

Wel ntill nex tim, wrk on yur spellng wood yu pleas.