Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Mr. Clean and KZ went to Tiger Cub day up at the local Scout camp. The day did not start all that well. I woke up late and had to wake up KZ to even get him ready for the day. (Why is it that the times that I want him to be up at the crack of dawn he is never up?) Well after a quick breakfast and getting ourselves together we pulled out of the driveway in the yuppie mobile, aka the VOLVO and went to camp. We had no idea what to expect and were looking forward to all the things that the Scouts had planned for the day.

When we got to the camp we started by........ Standing in line! WHOO HOO! We had to register and find out what our group schedule was for the day. They had five events planned for the kids during the day. Our order was 1) Nature Hike (in other words run around in the woods, find a stick and whack everything you can with it until Dad chucks it further in the woods in frustration and then start the process all over again) 2) Games 3) Craft 4) Archery 5) BB Guns. I must admit I think that we had the best order for the day. If the Archery and BB Guns had come first the rest of the day would not have been so bearable. It made KZ really put up with some of the more un-interesting items.

So it was not until latter in the afternoon that we got to the Archery. YIPPIE, KZ got two rounds of shooting arrows at a target that was a whopping 4 feet away. Round one, not so good. 5 arrows and here is how it went 1) HIT, about 1" for margin of error.
Hard to tell from the Photo to the left however KZ's arrow is the one closest to the left edge of the target. 2) MISS 3)MISS 4) MISS and surprise surprise 5) MISS. KZ was a little discouraged by the results of his first 5 attempts. I think he figured that this would be a piece of cake since he already had practice at Nan and Pop's and he would not have to practice to hit the target. So then he got to sit down and wait for the other 2 groups to go before he got to go again. While he was waiting, Dad gave him some pointers before round 2. Round two, he only had three arrows. Makes sense to me, can't hit it with 5, lets take some arrows away. All the adults were jumping up and down yelling YIPPIE!!, in their heads of course.

So off we go to round 2, and here were the results. Arrow 1) Dad is busy taking pictures and KZ is busy hitting the BULLSEYE DEAD CENTER. Dad was very proud, all the pointers I gave him worked! Well maybe some of them. Arrows 2 and 3 he also hit the target. So he made much improvement in 5 minutes of sitting. I guess he is ready to go hunting. After the archery we got to go to the Grand Poohba of events the BB Guns. Will follow up with that later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey now, the boy is an Indian after all! He must have gotten some skills from his momma's blood line. My father will be proud, LOL!