Tuesday, December 05, 2006

New York vs. Boston

New York Yankees Vs. Boston Red Sox. This is one of the most bitter revelries in baseball. The fans dislike each other, OK HATE each other. I being a Yankees fan, makes sure I watch these games. I may miss all the others but I do my best to watch all of these games. By the way the Yankees swept the Sox in 5 games last season and killed the Sox's chance at post season.

Now lets compare New York and Boston from another perspective. The perspective I am going to use is that of a business traveler (big surprise) and what I have experienced.

Let's start with the roads. In NYC the roads make sense they go north, south, east and west and they make sense to anyone that has been in the city more than once. You go uptown or downtown, and west side or east side, makes sense to me. If you can count I would feel quite confident that you would be able to get around the city. Seems a little overwhelming at first. Now side step here for a moment to a money lesson. Manhattan was purchased for 60 Guilder from the Indians. Now your saying what is a guilder? 1.5 Guilder equals a daalder. 1 daalder equals 1 dollar. Now were talking money you understand. Got all this info from Wikipedia. So Manhattan was bought for 20 Bucks, what a steal, (side thought here, did you ever wonder what the Indians needed money for, why did they think this was a good idea?) and I pay 200 for the shoe box I sleep in, I think they got a good return on their money. So the people that were smart enough to buy an Island for 20 bucks, were smart enough to make roads that people could understand.

Now Boston, for those of you familiar with Boston history, you may recall that the roads were based on old cow paths. That's right I said cow paths. Does this seem to make sense to any of you? I mean who lets a flatulence belching bovine decide where the roads are going to go. Mankind was able to build a ship, sail from England to Massachusetts, in an age without GPS, but was not smart enough to realize that letting a dumb as a rock animal that we turn into hamburgers decided where the roads would go, would be a bad idea? Now I am sure that if I stayed here long enough they would make sense to me as well. However trying to leave the airport was a mish mash of driving around following all sorts of airport exit signs. Then you go through the "big dig" which took 13 years to get to 94% complete opened on 2004, and oh by the way the roof has this neat trick falling down and killing newlyweds. They were on there way to the airport for their honeymoon, rough way to start a marriage. Maybe it's because they can't say R's in Massachusetts, (Notice no R's in state name) so the roof is really a oof. Maybe I found a major construction flaw. By the way the big dig also leaks. A tunnel that goes underwater that leaks, no wonder people drive 90 MPH they don't want to be in the tunnel when a section of the oof falls that was keeping the water out. Now I am sure that my wife will remember this the next time we are in Boston driving through, she will be telling me to drive faster.

Now I do give more kudos to the hotel that I am staying at in Boston (in the Burbs) not quite the same comparison. But I can spread my arms out. So if you were to ask me which city to visit I would probably tell you NYC, at least the oof's don't fall on newlyweds.


Anonymous said...

You have my permission to drive as fast as necessary to spare your life while in the tunnel and get back to our city, which has very manageable roads!

Still laughing,
Your bride

Laura said...

We don't ALL hate each other. :)

I like you and my dad despite your need to like the Yankees!